My grandma cut this article out of the newspaper and gave it to me today.
I read it and felt a wave of many different emotions in a very short period of time.
I read it and felt a wave of many different emotions in a very short period of time.
I felt angry, appalled, reminiscent, sad, and then grateful.
I will never forget the day, just before Christmas in 2004, when Phillip and I sat in the doctor's office and we were told our precious little girl would be born with
Spina Bifida.
As if that isn't enough to bear, I will never forget the moments following when the genetic counselor asked if we wanted to continue with the pregnancy.
Of course we would!
And we would give birth to our child and love her with everything we have, treat her with all the kindness and love that we treated our other daughter, and give her the best life possible.
It saddens me, and frightens me, that a woman can take a "simple blood test" and decide that her unborn child isn't perfect enough for her, then end that child's life before it even began! I appreciate the question this article poses...
"What is the definition of a disabled child?...The one who cannot love or the one who cannot perform calculus?"
I am grateful every day for my "disabled" child.
So what if she doesn't read as well as the school says she should?
So what if it takes her longer to do her schoolwork?
So what if she has to turn her head in strange positions to see clearly?
So what if she gets a little emotional at recess because she didn't have a chance to tell her sister that she loves her?
Her capacity to love and forgive is far greater than I could ever hope to have. Thank you, Grace, for teaching me the important things in life.
I love you, my special child
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